16 March 2015

It's Been Two Weeks

...Chickity China the Chinese Chicken?

Since my first progress post I saw my primary care doctor, got some refills on my eczema creams and ointments, and I finally emptied my TFS The Smim Fermentation Concentrate Essence. My doctor didn't have any advice for me in regards to skin care so he just refilled my prescriptions to tide me over until my dermatology referral. I replaced The Smim Essence in my routine with the MISSHA First Treatment Essence Mist which I bought at the end of February because of a sale.

I'm already a fan of the essence mist because of it's quick application. With all the time it takes to apply my prescriptions, I embrace any step that takes mere seconds to complete.

Anyway! Let's take a look at how my skin is doing. (Apologies for using different lighting between the two weeks.)

March skincare routine week 2 faceMarch skincare routine week 1 face

Left: Week 1 Face // Right: Week 2 Face
Both photos were taken shortly after my AM routine. The main difference between the two (besides getting a hair cut) is I developed a small zit. It's hard to see because of my camera, but the usual eczema problem areas on my face are present in both pictures but not flaring.

March skincare routine week 1 forearmMarch skincare routine week 2 forearm

March skincare routine week 1 thighMarch skincare routine week 2 thigh

Left: Week 1 Forearm & Thigh // Right: Week 2 Forearm & Thigh
I honestly don't know if it's getting better or worse. My dermatology appointment isn't until the end of the month, so I don't think I'll be trying anything too new between now and then. Something I forgot to mention was that at the beginning of the month I started using the CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser as a body wash.

Oh, and I've gone to the pool a few times. I mention this because I have been looking into bleach/vinegar baths but am too chicken to actually try it...and wading in a chlorine pool is pretty much the same thing, right??

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